As part of the Interreg project "WEW - Water Adventure Trail" Gossensass-Pflerschtal, the existing valley trail was upgraded with a new exercise trail and various games on the themes of water, climbing and herbs.
In addition, the path has been renovated to make it suitable for pushchairs and some narrow sections have been widened.

Total trail length 10 km

Station no. 1
Start entrance portal: car park at the railway station in Gossensass. We take the railway station subway and continue along the road to the right until the 2nd turning on the left. Pass the football pitch, cross the bridge over the stream and arrive directly at the entrance portal.

Station no. 2
Nestl play pond: After a short walk along the banks of the stream, we reach a cosy spot in the forest with various water games for young and old.

Station no. 3
Portjoch forest: After approx. 4 km we reach the local recreation area in Pflersch, behind the Hotel Alpin in the immediate vicinity of the Ladurns cable car.
Have fun climbing, sliding and jumping in this adventurous playground!

Station no. 4
Tschött rock: heading into the valley, we soon reach the next station with a small climbing wall on the rock.

Station no. 5
Anichen-Wurzelwasser: Welcome to the Botenhof herb garden! You are welcome to visit the show garden with its countless mountain herbs and the farm shop with its fine herbal products.

Station no. 6
Waterfall Hell: The last stop is in Innerpflersch (St. Anton) on the waterfall trail. The "Zur Hölle" waterfall thunders over a steep step from a narrow gorge. It is also known as the weather forecaster. When the weather is fine, hell smokes (water dust rises), when the weather is bad, it does not. The height of the waterfall is 46 metres.
